
The Sims 4 Animation

Did you know that The Sims 4 has over 11,000 individual clips of all new, hand-crafted animation? That amounts to about 10 hours of continuous animation or the equivalent of 4 feature films.

Friday, August 8, 2014

SF Magazine Issue 24

Read it here: 

Freddie worked her magic on a lot I had built previously called Pelican Point. She renovated the interiors to show off custom content with a nautical theme. She also took some breathtaking photographs, and I'm still scratching my head wondering, "How did she do that?!"

Compare these photographs to the original, non custom content version of the house here:

SF Magazine Issue 22

Read it here:

For this issue, I learned how to make my own poses. Here are some advertisements I made with some custom poses.

I somehow managed to slip that last one past the editors!