
Monday, August 26, 2013

Sims Camp Day 2

The day began with breakfast at the hotel restaurant. I made a grand entrance by knocking over a large vase which thankfully didn't break as it crashed onto the table next to me. It was a moment many will not let me forget.

After breakfast, we met in the lobby to board the bus for a tour of Cologne. It was wonderful to see all of the campers in one room finally.

Boarding the bus
Photo by Sim Goodie

Photo by Sim Goodie

Photo by Sim Goodie

On the bus

The Cologne Cathedral

Photo by Sims 3 (UK)

More pictures of the city

After our city tour, we met for lunch at a Latin-Asian fusion restaurant. Then, we got tickets to see the Sports Museum and the Chocolate Museum. Needless to say, I never made it to the Sports Museum.

After the museum tours, we boarded the bus once again to attend the Electronic Arts press conference.

Someone was grumpy!
We entered the conference room early and had marked off reserved seats. We very much felt like VIPs as the press began to file into the crowded rows around us.

Photo by Asia ShaMecca
Photo by Sims 3 (UK)

Then, the show began with a dizzying, fast-paced thrill ride through EA's games for the upcoming year!

Chief Operating Officer, Peter Moore started off the show

Followed by the mesmerizing trailer and introduction of The Sims 4 by Executive Producer, Rachel Franklin (see the whole thing for yourself below)

We then made our way to dinner at another traditional German restaurant.

Photo by Sim Goodie

Then off to bed again to rest up for the beginning of Sims Camp!

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